Rock formation on the East side of Ipanema Beach
is known as Arpoador. This is one of Rio's most
scenic spots, as you have a privileged view to
Ipanema and Leblon on one side, and Copacabana
and Leme on the other.
The beach strip is about 500
meters long, and Rua Francisco Bhering, the beach
lane, is open for residents and pedestrians only.
If you go past the rocks you will find Praia do
Diabo. This small beach is a meeting spot for
dogs and their masters early in the morning.
The sunset at Arpoador is an
attraction apart, people always stop to watch. If
you go to the other side of the rocks, you can
also see the sunrise in Copacabana. A lot of
people do this on New
Year's. Click on the miniatures for the
full-sized photos and insider's tips. For more
information check out All About