Before you enter the city you must hand in your
You will receive this document while still on board.
If your flight attendant forgets to give you yours, ask for it.
How to fill out the form: (follow the items)
- Form number will be provided;
- Write down your name, as it appears in your passport;
- The purpose of your trip (tourism, business, conventions,
- Your passport number;
- Your flight number;
- Country of origin;
- Provide your RNE number (for residents of Brazil);
- Country of nationality and (for non residents of Brazil);
- Country of residence (for non residents of Brazil);
- Sex (check M or F);
- Birthdate
Additional Information:
- Use only capital letters to complete the form;
- Present this form to Brazilian Federal Police,
along with your
- Keep your copy of the form with you -
it will be collected on
your departure;
- Tourists are not permitted to work, according to Brazilian laws;
- In order to extend your stay in Brazil, apply to the Federal
Police Department in any State, two weeks prior to expire of the
valid date of your stay. When doing this, come in person and bring along your passport, your copy of the arrival card, and
receipt of payment of the extension tax;
- For any further information call the Federal Police Department (SPMAF);
- Crew members are not required to complete areas number 3, 6, 7,
and 9 of this arrival card.