Pre-Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro
You are arriving in the summer when Rio welcomes visitors from all Brazilian states and dozens of countries abroad. The city will be bustling with activity, and on weekends, there is plenty of Carnaval-related fun! Participate in street festivities featuring favorite Bandas and Blocos. Enjoy a free rehearsal of Special Group Samba Schools at the Sambódromo. Consider fabulous balls and parties featuring live music and other attractions.
While the possibilities are endless, some choices are always good bets. We have hand-picked favorites for every weekend, starting one month ahead, to help with your planning. It's never too early to enjoy Carnaval in Rio!

Early February: Feb. 1-9
Mega-blocos have become so successful that they were concentrated around Rua Primeiro de Março in Centro. It is the best location to accommodate all the revelers without completely disrupting more residential neighborhoods. A side benefit is that as the number of mega-blocos grew, so did the duration of the Carnaval Season in Rio. Now you can arrive a month early and still enjoy the fun!
Saturday - February 1, 2025
- Carrosel de Emoções - Concentration at Rua Primeiro de Maio - 7 a.m.
Sunday - February 2, 2025
- Bloco Chá da Alice - Concentration at Rua Primeiro de Maio - 7 a.m.
Sunday - February 9, 2025
- SERAQABRE - Concentration at Rua Primeiro de Maio - 7 a.m.
Two Weeks Ahead: Feb. 15-16
Early birds get their reward. The city is not as full, lodging is priced lower, and you can accommodate sightseeing, beach hopping, and visiting historical areas. Things start to warm up on Friday. On the weekend there are fabulous bandas! We will keep you updated if we hear of any last-minute changes in the program.

Spanta Neném starts early in the morning around Lagoa, with Spantinha. There's music, dancing, costumes, and mask workshops for children. Carioca culture is handed down that way! The parade starts a bit later, right after noon. They march towards Ipanema. This year there's also an after-party!
Banda de Ipanema traditionally opened Pre-Carnaval festivities on Saturday. This year, they have confirmed the parades on Carnaval on Saturday and Tuesday. For reference only.
Other notable presences include Desliga da Justiça at Praça Tirandentes in Centro at 8 a.m. Imprensa Que eu Gamo in Laranjeiras starts at 1 p.m.
BloQueen in Flamengo starts at 8 a.m. on Rua Infante Dom Henrique, 10. Join rehearsals at samba schools and enjoy the party scene!
Saturday - February 15, 2025
- Spantinha at Lagoa is for children! With a host of attractions, and supervised fun! - 9 a.m.
- Desliga da Justiça is a superhero themed bloco. Dress accordingly! Praça Tiradentes, Centro - 8 a.m.
- Spanta Neném parades around Lagoa! Concentration at Avenida Epitácio Pessoa, 1005 - 10 a.m.
- Imprensa que eu Gamo a favorite with the press crowd! They have announced this may be their last edition, so don't miss out. The gathering is at Mercado São José on Rua Gago Coutinho, 51 in Laranjeiras. - 1 p.m.
- Banda de Ipanema, since 1965! The Concentration is at Praça General Osório. - 3 p.m. *This traditional pre-Carnaval edition is not confirmed in the listing by Riotur for 2025.
- Rehearsal of Samba Schools at the Sambodrome.
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties - We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!

Sunday - February 16, 2025
- Bloco do Vira-Lata 2025 gathers across from the Golf Club along São Conrado Beach. Rua Prefeito Mendes de Morais, 808 - 9 a.m.
- Ensaio do Multibloco concentration at Rua do Senado, 88 in Centro - 4 p.m.
- Technical Rehearsal of Samba Schools at Sambódromo
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties - We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!

One Week Ahead: Feb. 22-23
This is as close as you get to Carnaval without dealing with higher lodging rates. Try to arrive a couple of days earlier to enjoy the city, visit the sights, and enjoy the summer beach. Street festivities are happening all over town. The first parade of favorite Simpatia é Quase Amor in Ipanema is on Saturday afternoon. Every year, there is a new theme song, and the friendly atmosphere is contagious.

Saturday - February 22, 2025
- Bloco Céu na Terra starts early in the morning in Santa Teresa! Concentration at Largo dos Guimarães, on Rua Almirante Alexandrino. - 7 a.m.
- Simpatia é Quase Amor ranks so high in our list of favorites! A tradition in Ipanema since 1985. Concentration at Praça General Osório - 2 p.m.
- Technical Rehearsal at Sambódromo
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties - We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!

Other popular blocos this weekend include traditional Bloco Suvaco de Cristo in Jardim Botânico. In Ipanema, Empolga às Nove is stationed at the beach in the afternoon on Posto 9. The off-Carnaval circuit is on full blast, with favorite Brazilian and international DJs at the best venues.

Sunday - February 23, 2025
- Bloco Suvaco do Cristo is one of our favorites since 1986! They claim their last parade will happen in 2026, so enjoy it while it lasts. The Concentration is on the Rua Jardim Botânico corner of Rua Faro, and the route is towards Praça Santos Dumont. - 8 a.m.
- Cordão do Boitatá is considered one the mega-blocos! Concentration is at Rua da Assembléia, 40 in Centro, in front of CCBB - 8 a.m.
- Bloco Fogo e Paixão has a repertoire where Brega beats set the mood. Wear something tacky to mingle! Concentration at Largo São Francisco de Paula, Centro - 8:00 a.m.
- Bloco Chora Me Liga is an early bird this Sunday! Concentration is at Avenida Prefeito Mendes de Morais, 808 - São Conrado - 8 a.m.
- Empolga às Nove - Apoteótico Desfile Parado happens at Ipanema Beach at Posto 9 on Rua Vieira Souto, 370 - 11 a.m.
- Rehearsal of Samba Schools at the Sambodrome.
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties - We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!

LGBTQ Carnaval 2025 in Rio
All colors of the rainbow are present at our Carnaval festivities. In addition to all the street fun and the Samba Parade, the party circuit is awesome. The best local and international DJs are in town! This page is updated daily to ensure you get all the latest news! Courtesy of www.riogayguide.com.