Carnaval 2025 Party Planner
Carnaval season in Rio starts after New Year's Eve celebrations. Things really warm up a couple of weeks ahead the official party. Dates change every year. Carnaval 2025 is from March 1st (Saturday) through Tuesday, March 4th (Mardi Gras). The Champions' Parade is on Saturday, March 8th. The season ends on Sunday, March 9th, when mega-bloco Monobloco takes over Rua Primeiro de Março in Centro.
Pre-Carnaval in Rio has a page of its own. Cariocas start to warm up one month ahead! On this page, we assume you are coming for the main event, the peak of our high season. There's so much to do and see party-wise that you will not have much time left to explore the city. Arriving a few days ahead makes a lot of sense, and staying a few more days afterward, too.

Here is a checklist of must-dos to experience Carnaval in all its glory. The trilogy comprises street festivities (bandas and blocos), the Samba Parade, and Carnaval Balls or Parties. The off-Carnaval party circuit is an attraction apart. Many people come to Rio only to dance to their favorite DJs and enjoy the beach.
Your travel budget is also an important issue to address. Even with discounts, hotel rates are higher than during the low season. The city is as crowded as it gets. Luxury costume balls and tickets to the Sambodromo are expensive. Yet street carnaval is free, and most parties are affordable.

Carnaval Friday and Saturday
Friday is not even an official Carnaval day, yet unofficial is perfectly fine. There are more Carnaval activities than you can handle, and the party scene is fierce. Get rid of your jet lag, set your watch to our time zone, and enjoy!
Sambódromo is already on. Golden Group schools, formerly known as the Access Group, take over the Samba Runway before the big-leaguers. They will do their best to impress and earn their way back to the Special Group. The selection includes many familiar names, and tickets are priced lower. You may even treat yourself to a spot at one of the catered boxes (camarotes).

We have two personal street favorites on Friday. Bloco das Carmelitas is a themed event in Santa Teresa with a profusion of nuns, priests, angels, and devils. Rola Preguiçosa, in Ipanema, starts later. The Concentration at Lagoa is a find. The party circuit is on big time.
Friday - February 28, 2025
- Bloco das Carmelitas in Santa Teresa passes by the historical Carmelite Convent, which set the inspiration for costumes. Concentration at Ladeira de Santa Teresa. - 1 p.m.
- Rola Preguiçosa in Ipanema was founded in the 90's. The Concentration is on Rua Maria Quitéria, at the corner with Lagoa. This is a smaller, neighborhood event - 6 p.m.
- Carnaval Samba Parade Golden Group at the Sambodrome - 9 p.m.
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!

Saturday - March 1, 2025
- Bloco Céu na Terra takes over Santa Teresa this morning! The Concentration is at Largo dos Guimarães. - 7 a.m.
- Cordão da Bola Preta was founded in 1919. The Saturday morning parade has attracted as many as one million revelers. It's as big as it gets! Concentration on Rua Primeiro de Março at Terminal Menezes Cortes - 7 a.m.
- Multibloco concentrates at Avenida Henrique Valadares in Lapa. - 8 a.m.
- Bloco Empolga às 9 is on its second edition ! Concentration at at Posto 5, in Copacabana. - 1 a.m.
- Bloco Carioca da Gema 2025 with Concentration on Rua dos Arcos, 24, in Lapa. - 3 p.m.
- Banda de Ipanema, since 1965! The Concentration is at Praça General Osório. The parade does a loop, passing along the beach and the main street. - 4 p.m.
- Carnaval Samba Parade Golden Group at the Sambodrome - 9 p.m.
- Baile do Copa is our most traditional costume ball. Guests are required to wear black tie or luxury costumes. Patrons include TV personalities, socialites, and reporters. Dress up! - 10 p.m.
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!

Carnaval Sunday and Monday
These are the days of the main parade featuring Special Group Samba Schools at Sambódromo. Some tour operators offer benefits like round-trip transportation or access to catered boxes. Mind the face value of tickets as published by Liesa. Do not support scalpers.
Streets are happening, with a fine selection of blocos all over town. These are not the best days to go on a city tour, as pedestrians take over many streets in party mode. The Samba Parade is broadcast live on TV and the Internet. There are more off-Carnaval parties than anyone can handle! Enjoy without moderation.

Sunday - March 2, 2025
- Que Merda é Essa? is a smaller neighborhood bloco in Ipanema, and the event starts Que Caquinha é Essa?, for children. for children. The parade happens along Rua Garcia Dávila towards the beach. Concentration at Bar Paz & Amor. - 8 a.m.
- Desfile Fulminante do Bangalafumenga 2025. Favorite bloco with concentration is at scenic Aterro do Flamengo, next to WWII Memorial - Monumento aos Pracinhas. 9 a.m.
- Cordão do Boitatá happens at Largo do Paço in Centro - 11 a.m.
- Bloco March Nerd parades today in Tijuca! The Concentration is at Praça Xavier de Brito (Praça dos Cavalinhos) - 12 noon
- Bloco Toca Rauuul is dedicated to songs by legendary Raul Seixas! The Concentration is at MAM (Museu de Arte Moderna) - 1 p.m.
- Simpatia é Quase Amor is the big highlight in Ipanema this Sunday. Concentration is around Praça General Osório. - 4 p.m.
- Special Group Samba School Carnaval Parade 2025 - 9:30 p.m.
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!

Carnaval Monday is your second chance to watch the Samba Parade., with a new selection of four Special Group Samba Schools.
Street festivities start early in Leme, Centro, and Flamengo. Sargento Pimenta features songs by The Beatles played with a Carnaval beat. Simpatia é Quase Amor is on full blast in Ipanema. Off-Carnaval parties featuring Brazilian and international DJs complete the range of options.

Monday - March 3, 2025
- Bloco Que Pena Amor at Buraco do Lume - Praça Mário Lago in Centro - 7 a.m.
- Bloco Exagerado at Praça Tiradentes, in Centro, is a tribute to iconic singer Cazuza - 8 a.m.
- Bloco do Sargento Pimenta is a theme event. Their repertoire features songs by the Beatles with a Carnaval beat! Concentration at Aterro do Flamengo on Avenida Infante Dom Henrique, 75 (Glória). - 8 a.m.
- Bloco A Rocha da Gávea 2025, is a favorite neighborhood bloco! Concentration at Praça Santos Dumont. - 9 a.m.
- Special Group Samba School Carnaval Parade 2025 - 10 p.m.
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties - We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!

Carnaval Tuesday - Mardi Gras
The last official Carnaval day is Fat Tuesday, Mardi-Gras in French. If you stayed out until very late, we have good news. The fun starts very early. You also have great choices in the afternoon. In the evening, the Samba Parade, Carnaval balls, and off-Carnaval parties complete the package. Don't leave town, though. We have a whole lot more entertainment for you next weekend!

Tuesday - March 4th, 2025
- Bloco Fervo da Lud with special guests. Mega-bloco with Concentration on Rua Primeiro de Março in Centro - 7 a.m.
- Bloco das Carmelitas takes over Santa Teresa for the last time of the year! Concentration at Largo do Curvelo - 8 a.m.
- Meu Bem Volto Já is a traditional bloco in Leme. Concentration is on Av. Princesa Isabel, corner of Rua Viveiros de Castro. - 4 p.m.
- Desfile da Orquestra Voadora happens at Aterro do Flamengo this afternoon. Concentration at Av. Infante Dom Henrique 735, near Outeiro da Glória - 1 p.m.
- Banda de Ipanema with Concentration at Praça General Osório - 4 p.m.
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties - We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!
LGBTQ Carnaval 2025 in Rio
All colors of the rainbow are present at our Carnaval festivities. In addition to all the street fun and the Samba Parade, the party circuit is fantastic. The best local and international DJs are in town! This page is updated daily to ensure you get all the latest news! Courtesy of www.riogayguide.com
Post Carnaval Weekend
The result of the Samba Parade is announced on Wednesday, and you can start looking forward to the Champions' Parade on Saturday! Monobloco is the big star on Sunday, attracting hundreds of thousands of revelers. Some Cariocas say that the year only starts after Carnaval, which is true in many ways.

Saturday - March 8, 2025
- The Rio Carnaval 2025 Champions' Parade at the Sambadrome is tonight! The six best-placed schools will take over Sambódromo to celebrate. The parade starts with the sixth-best-placed school at 9:15 p.m.
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties - We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!

Sunday is the last post-Carnaval day, ending on a happy note. Monobloco starts early in the morning, and this is one of our celebrated mega-blocos. Their parades in Centro have already attracted as many as 400k revelers, and now they are at scenic Aterro do Flamengo! We hope you enjoyed the season. There's always more next year...

Sunday - March 9th, 2025
- Monobloco is a very popular mega-bloco. Concentration at Rua Primeiro de Março in Centro - 7 a.m.
- Off-Carnaval Parties featuring our pick of the crop. All events with links to e-flyers and more details!
- LGBTQ Parties We count on the expertise of www.riogayguide.com to select the best events!